About Holly


Holly Patton is an artist based in Charlotte, North Carolina. She paints with a desire to make a unique contribution to the world through her art. She has a passion for interiors, painting, and making all things beautiful. Holly cultivated her own style of storytelling through art

Creativity is necessary to keep her present, stable, and sane. She has a voracious appetite for image-making which is rarely satiated. As a student Holly spent her time either drawing or experimenting with acrylics. In high school, Holly was awarded the Gold Key honor for her drawings through the National Scholastic Arts program and entered college with the intent of studying applied arts. Instead, she earned a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design from Florida State University, which entailed hours of drawing, drafting, and creating color boards using proportion, scale, and perspective skills. This education led to a very fulfilling residential design career where the creativity allowed her to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Like so many artists, Holly loves the way color and texture can be applied to a blank canvas, yet evoke such emotions and memories, no matter the venue.